Always Shoot The Center

About Matrix Targets, LLC:

Our family has always been incredibly passionate about the great outdoors, and on any given weekend you will certainly find us camping, fishing, hunting, or simply shooting our bows on our property in Montana. When you spend so much time doing the things you love, having the right gear is paramount, as gear that is durable and dynamic can make or break your every experience. Over the past several years we’ve seen amazing enhancements to all aspects of archery equipment due to compelling innovation and technological advances. But there is one product that has consistently left us with much to be desired: the target.

These other targets contend to take thousands of shots, and come with multiple sides and a myriad of aiming dots to accomplish this. But we see over and over again that it doesn’t matter how many sides or dots a target has if it only has one center. Once the center is “shot out,” the target is rendered worthless unless you are willing to risk losing/damaging expensive arrows. So we would try to extend the life of these targets by putting duct tape over the center and buying spray foam from the hardware store to fill the core. Then we’d let it sit for a few days for the foam to cure so we wouldn’t get it all over our arrows. All this to make the target last a few more days! There had to be a better solution.

That’s how Matrix Targets got started. Our criteria was to design a target:

· With interchangeable, replaceable modules

· Large enough to shoot at long distances

· Light enough for one person to carry

· Adjustable in size so one wouldn’t have to buy another target to take to deer/elk camp

· Using a self-healing foam that could withstand all kinds of points

· Easy to remove arrows from once shot

Over the past several years we have collaborated with family, friends, and other archery enthusiasts from around the country to design a target that suits our needs. And I think we nailed it.

Are you going to destroy the target? If you shoot as much as we do, absolutely! The difference is you will only destroy one segment at a time. Instead of buying another “throw away” target next year, you can simply buy a replacement hex or two for a fraction of the total target cost. And think about the money you'll save on arrows by always shooting at the center. Matrix Target System was ultimately created to enhance an experience that we love. And we hope that it will enhance your experience, too!


Kevin Peterson

President/ Founder; Matrix Targets, LLC